Thursday, August 27, 2009

RJA #2b Research Topic

The topic for my paper that choose is Why certain steroids or sport enhancing drugs are allowed in professional sports and others and are not, and what makes them those substances acceptable, and if they should even be allowed. I choose this topic because i am interested in knowing what makes a steroid acceptable and what doesn't and also what type of guidelines professional sports use to make a such decisions.
I know a couple of things pertaining to my topic. I know what sports have the most problems with steroid use. The major sports that use steroids the most is baseball and football. I understand that use of enhancement drugs can and ultimately will affect your health in the long run.
There are many things i do not know about my topic. Here are a couple of things i am hoping to learn from my topic: guidelines on how enhancement drugs are decided upon for professional sports, how to know when a supplement can be label a sport enhancing drug, and also why have professional sports allowed its players to use these drugs.

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