Sunday, November 15, 2009

RJA #13b: Annotated Bibliography, Part 1

1. Mccloskey, John., and Julian Bailes, M.D. When Winning Costs Too Much. Lunham: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2005.

This book written by John Mccloskey and Julian Bailes, illustrates problems with professional athletes/student athletes and the pressure to perform. The book touches on subjects that athletes deal with. For example, steroid use to get an edge on competition and what types of substances are used. The book highlights some athletes who used performance enhancing drugs in the Olympics, football, baseball, and bicycling. One athlete they touch up is Barry Bonds and his steroid scandals.

2. Mitchell, George J. Report to The Commissioner of Baseball of an Independent Investigation Into The Illegal Use of Steroids and Other Performance Enhancing Substances by Players in Major League Baseball. N.p.: Office of the Commissioner of Baseball, 2007. Print.

This report was written for Bud Selig, the commissioner of major league baseball. The report was written by George Mitchell. The report is about an investigation of the MLB and performance enhancing drugs. In this report Mitchell does an in depth investigation on allegations, accusations, and records of players who have or are thought to be using PED. He also researches the effects that PED have on athletes.

3. Roberts, Selena, and David Epstein. "Sources tell SI Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003." Sports Illustrated 7 Feb. 2009: 14 pars. Web. 16 Nov. 2009.

This article from the New York Times is about Alex Rodriquez and his use of steroids in 2003 when he tested positive. The article was written by Selena Roberts. Other topics in this article for example, the random testing in the MLB, mitchell report, and certain policies the MLB had in place for offenders who used performance enhancing drugs.

4. Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Performance-enhancing drugs and your teen athlete." N.p., 3 Jan. 2009. Web. 16 Nov. 2009.

This article entitled: "Performance-enhancing drugs and your teen athlete" explains what certain types of PED are and also the side affects it has on people. The article also explains what performance enhancing drugs can do to teenagers. The article was written by the Mayo Clinic staff.

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