Thursday, September 24, 2009

RJA #6c: Protopage

Here is link to my Protopage:

RJA #6b: Search Strings

+performance enhancing drugs-
(steroids* OR performance enhancing drugs*)AND (supple* OR vitamins* OR horomone*)AND (MLB* NEAR NFL*)

RJA #6a: Periodical Articles

I used the Dictionary of open access journals. I accessed the website September 24, 2009. Both articles that I found are from the same journal. I used the keywords: steroid and performance enhancing drugs.


  • Anthony P Millar
  • Should Drug Testing be Banned?
  • Doping Journal
  • Volume 4 Issue 1
  • April 19, 2007
  • No page number available


  • Jacquelin Magnay
  • BALCO drugs shopping list revealed
  • Doping Journal
  • Volume 1 issue 2
  • June 24, 2004
  • No page number available

Sunday, September 20, 2009

RJA #5c: Search String Check

RJA #5b: Books

  • Author: John McCloskey, Julian Bailes, M.D.
  • Title: When Winning Costs Too Much steroids, Supplements, and Scandal in today's sports
  • Place of Publication: Lanham, MD
  • Name of publisher: Taylor Trade Publishing
  • Date of publication: 2005

Keywords that i used where: steroids, supplements, and Professional sports. I searched and found this book through prospector on September 10, 2009. I got a couple of hits that were relevant for my topic, the relevance of hits scale would be about a 4. This book seemed appropriate for what I'm writing my paper on.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

RJA #5a: Finding Reference Articles

  • Searched at:
  • Search Strategies: Advanced search “AND”
  • Date of search: September 17, 2009
  • Keywords used and relevance (1-5):

-Steroids- 120 hits, relevance (3)

-Performance Enhacing drugs- 120 hits, relevance (4)

- Steroid AND Performance Enhancing Drugs- 120 hits, relevance (4)

Online Reference:

Date last accessed: September 19, 2009

Authors: Gerry Brown

Title of the article: A Dangerous Edge In search of competitive glory, athletes worldwide are jeopardizing their sports, their health — even their lives

- The article explains how athletes have been trying to get an edge over their competitors for years. This article seems that it will be helpful for writing my paper.

Monday, September 14, 2009

RJA #4c: Checking Research Questions

Saturday, September 12, 2009

RJA #4a: Generating Keywords

Why are certain steroids and sport enhancing drugs illegal in the MLB and NFL while others aren't?

FOrms: Sport enhancing drugs- supplements, vitamins, steroidal
FOrms: Steroids- hormones, anavar, sustanon
RElated: Sport enhancing drugs- supplements
RElated: Steroids- hormones, anabolic steroids

ST: steroids: sport enhancing drugs, hormones, HGH, anabolic steroids, supplements

LOG: steroid hormone, sex hormone, organic compound

Thursday, September 10, 2009

RJA# 4b: Writing Search Strings

These are my keywords I generated for my search strings.


+sport enhancing drugs-

(steroids* OR sport enhancing drugs*)

AND (supple* OR vitamins* OR horomon*)


Sunday, September 6, 2009

RJA #3c: Developing Research Question

1. Who decides what makes steroids/ sport enhancing drugs legal or illegal in the MLB or NFL?
What are the guidelines for use of sport enhancing drugs?
When do the Heads of the MLB and NFL ban certain steroids?
Why should the use of drugs be allowed?
3. I am writing to my professor and as well as to college students. I think there interests vary from watching movies to working out to cars, basically anything and everything. My purpose in writing this is to present an argument whether sport enhancing drugs or steroids should be allowed in 2 specific professional sports.
What makes certain sport enhancing drugs allowed and others not? What makes a sport enhancing drug become a steroid? Many people might not know but many steroids were once allowed sport enhancing drugs.

RJA #3b: Narrowing Research Topic

I feel like I might have to narrow my topic maybe to two professional sports instead of all professional sports. I think I can strengthen my paper by writing about why some sport enhancing drugs are allowed and others aren't and if they should even be permitted in just TWO professional sports. I'm Thinking that I might use Major League Baseball and the National Football, seeing that those two sports have the most problems with steroid use.

RJA #3a: Exploring Research Topic

After reading chapter three I have a better idea on how to narrow my topic. The textbook gave me great tools on how to ask questions about the topic and how to write a research question about my topic.

I found 4 websites that may help me with my paper. Here is the link to my Delicious account: