Thursday, September 17, 2009

RJA #5a: Finding Reference Articles

  • Searched at:
  • Search Strategies: Advanced search “AND”
  • Date of search: September 17, 2009
  • Keywords used and relevance (1-5):

-Steroids- 120 hits, relevance (3)

-Performance Enhacing drugs- 120 hits, relevance (4)

- Steroid AND Performance Enhancing Drugs- 120 hits, relevance (4)

Online Reference:

Date last accessed: September 19, 2009

Authors: Gerry Brown

Title of the article: A Dangerous Edge In search of competitive glory, athletes worldwide are jeopardizing their sports, their health — even their lives

- The article explains how athletes have been trying to get an edge over their competitors for years. This article seems that it will be helpful for writing my paper.

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