Sunday, September 6, 2009

RJA #3c: Developing Research Question

1. Who decides what makes steroids/ sport enhancing drugs legal or illegal in the MLB or NFL?
What are the guidelines for use of sport enhancing drugs?
When do the Heads of the MLB and NFL ban certain steroids?
Why should the use of drugs be allowed?
3. I am writing to my professor and as well as to college students. I think there interests vary from watching movies to working out to cars, basically anything and everything. My purpose in writing this is to present an argument whether sport enhancing drugs or steroids should be allowed in 2 specific professional sports.
What makes certain sport enhancing drugs allowed and others not? What makes a sport enhancing drug become a steroid? Many people might not know but many steroids were once allowed sport enhancing drugs.

1 comment:

  1. Why should the use of drugs be allowed? This is a very broad question at first glance but I think you do a very good job of reasoning why and where you are going with this topic. I like the fact that you want to prove why these drugs are actually illegal in these 2 specific sports. Good Job! and I look forward to hearing more about this topic.
