Thursday, October 22, 2009

RJA #10b: Argument

Research question: Why are performance enhancing drugs acceptable in Major league baseball but steroids are not?

Answer/thesis/claim: Performance enhancing drugs should not be acceptable in Major League Baseball because they resemble steroids, in that they are characterized as a weaker form of them. Even though, performance enhancing drugs are a lesser form of steroids, both supplements can potentially harm the athletes physical and emotional health in the long run and in most cases are considered a form of cheating. Through the use of chemicals to promote strength and stamina, the game of baseball is being tainted due to the unnatural enhancement of the athletes. With that said, performance enhancing drugs should not be tolerated in Major League Baseball.

Ethos: adding stats, examples, to my logos

Pathos: applying emotion by sharing a personal story or an effective image that persuade my audience to my argument.

Logos: stating my reasons and following by my ethos which is my supporting evidence

Reason 1: Harmful physically and emotionally
warrant: Performance enhancing drugs are harmful and shouldnt be acceptable.
Evidence 1: Jose Canseco's life experience with drugs
Reason 2: Form of cheating
warrant: performance enhancing drugs make atheletes stronger, better stamina
Evidence 2:

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